Call for papers


The main focus of RECSI is on theoretical and practical topics in the field of ICT security, including(but not limited to):

  1. Foundations of cryptography
  2. Mathematical aspects of cryptology
  3. Secret key cryptography
  4. Generation of pseudorandom numbers
  5. Modes of operation
  6. Public key cryptography
  7. Cryptanalysis
  8. Cryptographic protocols
  9. Applications of cryptography
  10. Authentication and digital signature
  11. Functions hash and Mac.
  12. Cryptosystem based on hypereliptic and elliptic curves
  13. Quantum Cryptography
  14. Privacy and anonymity
  15. Security in information systems
  16. Security in network & internet
  17. Safety in social networks
  18. Security in distributed systems
  19. Security in embedded systems
  20. Electronic voting systems
  21. Secure e-commerce
  22. Access control
  23. Detection of intrusions and trap machines
  24. Analysis of malware
  25. Spam detection
  26. Biometric systems
  27. Smart cards
  28. Legal and ethical aspects of the security of the information
  29. Computer forensics
  30. Security management
  31. Safety standards
  32. Brands of water and steganography
  33. Electronic notarization and certification services

Submission guidelines

Submission of papers must be done in accordance with the following instructions:

  • Papers must be original and written in LaTeX according to the IEEE style, following the downloadable template here.
  • The recommended length is 4 pages and should not exceed a maximum of 6 pages, including bibliography and annexes.
  • Papers will be sent through the EasyChair platform at the link.
  • Deadline submission June 6, 2022